Tuesday 21 June 2011

THE BiB (Boy in Business @ Believe in Bag)

Company Logo
Ok untuk sem nie aku ade ambik...
subject ETR 300...something related to business lah...(buat bisnes jual beg lappy yg fashionista..:p)
so my teamwork...has officially lantik aku jadi Head of Designer...
kate die orang...aku pandai edit....ape2 je lah kan....hahaaa...
so..design dah siap...tak tau di reject mntah2..atau di trima bulat2...
so nak terang siket lah...ape maksud tersirat logo tu...

1.  nampak tak "frosted diamond" dkat gmbar atas tu....so it mlmbngkan our
    product is exclusive...
2. so why "lady bird"...but our lady cuta and hardcore...jgan main2....so it mlnbang
    kan sndiri logo company.."THE BiB"....B=sayap plus kepala...I=badan plus kepala...
    nampak tak???kalo tak nmpak...tak dapek den nak nolong eh...hahaa...
3. "blue breezes" mcm mmbantu lady bird tu fly..... it means beside we mngaut
    keuntungan dari user....we also want to help them...to make their work
    easier and at the same time...become as stylo as me...:p
4. lady bird punye badan...is actually "gold coin" with "number one"...simple
    to explain this...yes of course the keuntungan...and we want to be the first....

BUT THE USED OF COLOR NOT YET DECIDE...hopefully my other teamwork will help me....


  1. owh TAR wat project bag lappy rupanya..sem ni Misz E'e ada ambik subjek MKT 243. subjek ni berkaitan dengan marketing..and for the project assignment, group Misz E'e ingat nak buat bag multipurpose especially for those people yang suka masuk hutan.tapi belum nak design lagi disebabkan kekurangan tenaga pakar...and yet, after eid mubarak kena present kat juri from other university..

  2. Misz E'e...punye subje mcm lg mncabar jer...
    kene present kat juri from other university...
    mcm menakut kan jer....
    Btw...good luck ok....:D
